Trivia Night — October 26, 2024

All are welcome! Come for Mass at 5 pm and stay for Trivia Night!

We will have 10 rounds of trivia and several fun games along the way. Trivia tickets are $25 per person or $200 for a table of 8. Cash prizes for 1st and 2nd place trivia winners. Beer, wine, soda, water, and snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorite food or beverages for your table. Mulligan's will be available for sale that evening. Doors open at 6 pm and trivia starts at 7 pm sharp. Trivia brought to you by the Annunciation Men's Club. For more information, contact Jim Moore or Chuck Michel.

Interested in sponsoring a trivia round?
Awesome! You can sponsor this event by clicking here.

Trivia Night Table Reservation

  • We will use your team name to confirm your payment. A link to the payment screen will display after this form is submitted.