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Aholt, Gloria Mae: Station 7
Aholt, Simon Schlafly: Station 7
Albrecht, Mary Cathy: Station 14
Annunciation/OLP Acts Retreat: Station 8
Annunciation Men’s Club, The: Station 13
Annunciation Pro Life, The: Station 8
Annunciation Quilt Club, The: Station 8
Appelbaum, Thomas: Station 4
Archbishops of St. Louis: Station 2
Aufdenspring, Michael: Station 9
Bain, William: Station 7
Baranyai, Donna: Station 4
Barks, Allen: Station 10
Beavin, Bill: Station 10
Beck, John: Station 7
Beckemeyer, Colleen: Station 7
Beckley, Margaret: Station 8
Berberich, James: Station 3
Berry, Patricia: Station 11
Bischoff: Station 3
Birk, Joseph: Station 1
Block, Lucille: Station 6
Bont, Jeff: Station 6
Brangle, Patrick: Station 13
Brasser, William Sr.: Station 14
Braun, David: Station 9
Bridge Club, The: Station 8
Brown, Kenneth: Station 6
Bruno, Mike: Station 5
Brush, Gregory: Station 12
Buer, Robert: Station 5
Buergler, Herman: Station 14
Burns, Virginia: Station 6
Byrne, Mary: Station 10
Carron, Mary: Station 4
Cassani, Paul: Station 13
Cassani, Richard: Station 13
Catalano, Frank: Station 13
Chellevold, Mark: Station 14
Chitwood, Dennis: Station 8
Christanell, Tina: Station 3
Clark, Jon: Station 6
Class of 1966: Station 13
Conroy, Sean: Station 14
Corcoran, Timothy: Station 5
Costello, John: Station 14
Cotta, John: Station 11
Cribbin, Timothy: Station 4
Cunningham, William: Station 14
Daly, Kathleen: Station 4
Dana, Mary: Station 10
Dapron, Marta (Jack Vogel): Station 14
Dean, Mary Alice: Station 6
Deets, Grace: Station 5
Delhougne, Robert and John: Station 3
Di Croce, Helen: Station 9
DiPietre, Dennis : Station 14
Disbennett, Stephen: Station 11
Domino, Theodore: Station 3
Duchild, Tom: Station 10
Eckelkamp, Michael: Station 3
Ekey, John (Preis): Station 14
Emmett, Leo: Station 6
Entrikin III, Fred: Station 9
Ernst, John: Station 10
Evans, Robert: Station 1
Everding, David: Station 7
Farrell, Fay: Station 9
Finan, Anthony: Station 10
Finley, John: Station 7
Frank. Joe and Marie: Station 8
Franklin, Kenneth: Station 10
Frolichstein, Maryv 6
Fulsom, Emma: Station 8
Gerker, Ben: Station 11
Golom, Beatrice: Station 2
Golom, John & Bea: Station 4
Goodloe, James: Station 8
Goodman, Thomas: Station 1
Gowen, Louise: Station 4
Gowen, Michael F.: Station 4
Gray, Gary: Station 6,7
Green, George: Station 10
Haddad, Jan: Station 8
Haddad Tosch Families: Station 9
Hagerty, Michael: Station 5
Hake, Donald: Station 13
Hall, Patricia: Station 2
Hampel, Delores: Station 10
Haug, Gregory: Station 5
Hefi Family: Station 7
Hein, Mildred: Station 6
Hemphill, Carl Jr.: Station 7
Hemphill, Chad: Station 7
Hennelly, Nancy: Station 8
Hente, Rick: Station 5
Hieger, Steven: Station 8
Hilf Family: Station 14
Hillmeyer, T. Patrick: Station 12
Hinrichs, Anthony: Station 10
Hite, Mark: Station 9
Hittler, Mary: Station 14
Hodapp, Joel: Station 5
Hoelting, Carl: Station 10
Hoelzer, Terry: Station 11
Hollowood, Kathleen: Station 9
Holy Cross Academy, The: Station 1
Hopper, Roberta Pelikan: Station 3
Huber, Helen: Station 10
Huber, John and Helen: Station 14
Huster, Bobby: Station 2
Jamboretz, Thomas: Station 13
John15 Youth Ministry, The: Station 13
Johnson, Paul: Station 2
Joist, Nancy Maxeiner: Station 12
Jost, Dennis: Station 7
Kebler, Robert: Station 8
Keenan, William: Station 8
Kelly, Robert: Station 13
Kelly, Tom: Station 13
Kelley, Kevin: Station 9
Kemp, Charles: Station 7
Kimmich, Ruth: Station 11
King, John: Station 3
Kleitsch, Daniel: Station 3
Klott, Adrian: Station 9
Knaup: Station 8
Knights of Columbus: Station 13
Koch, Barb: Station 1
Kramer, Michael: Station 7
Kraus, Ben: Station 13
Kressaty, George: Station 5
Krobath, David: Station 2
Kwentus, Amy: Station 6
Lallinger, Robert: Station 4
LaVenture, Charlotte: Station 9
Lauman, Jill: Station 9
Lenz, Barbara: Station 3
Lickenbrock, Kevin: Station 8
Link, Robert: Station 6
Lipic, Steve: Station 9
Liston-LaConte, Barbara Ann: Station 13
Long, Frederick Jr.: Station 6
Lowther, Thomas: Station 1
Lucchesi, Mollie: Station 13
Maher, Michael: Station 3
Maloney, Jimmy: Station 6
Mathis, Richard: Station 7
Mathis, Rick (Men’s Club): Station 13
McArthur Family: Station 13
McDonald, Jennifer: Station 13
McDonald, Kathleen: Station 6
McElroy, Gerard: Station 11
McElroy, King Gerard: Station 12
McHugh, Kevin: Station 6
McKay, John/Patricia: Station 9
McLear, Patrick/Alice: Station 7
Mealey, Jim: Station 6
Mehringer, Marion: Station 3
Michel, Chuck: Station 13
Miller, Gerry: Station 6
Mindel, Gary: Station 3
Mooney, Thomas/Joe and Betty Sly: Station 11
Mooney, Edward : Station 14
Moore, Jim: Station 8
Morris, Diana: Station 1
Mosser, Roy/LaVenture, Charlotte: Station 9
Mousdicas, Valentina: Station 4
Mudd, Margaret: Station 1
Mueller, Marg: Station 10
Nelson, Justin: Station 6
Newsham, Clare: Station 8
Orf, Msr. Ray: Station 1
Orf, Martin: Station 1
Ottenlips, Victor: Station 12
Paradoski, William: Station 5
Parsons, Jack: Station 14
Paschen, Stephen: Station 11
Paster, Bob: Station 6
Pastors of Annunciation: Station 1
Pelikan, Douglas: Station 11
Pelikan, Ralph: Station 11
Peregrine Society: Station 13
Peterson, Brian: Station 6
Phillips, John: Station 5
Pilant, Dale: Station 11
Pisarkiewicz, Tom: Station 5
Place, Marilyn: Station 4
Powers, Jerry: Station 3
Powers, Ted: Station 3
Pratte, Charles: Station 7
Pratte, Dennis: Station 7
Prebil, Tom and Jill: Station 9
Preis, Milton : Station 14
Ragsdale, Randy: Station 10
Rice, Bishop Edward: Station 1
Rittenhouse, Timothy: Station 11
Rivituso, Bishop Mark: Station 2
Rivituso, Msgr. Mark: Station 1
Robinson, Matt: Station 2
Rolfes, Dan: Station 5
Rosenauer, John: Station 9
Rudolph, Joe: Station 14
Rumpelt, Doris: Station 7
Ruzicka, Patrick: Station 4
Ryback, Mike: Station 13
Schmidt, Ginnie: Station 10
Schneider, Tom: Station 10
Schroeder, Mary Frances: Station 7
Schroder, Robert: Station 4
Schubert, Barbara: Station 14
Schultz, Kent: Station 14
Schuster, Walter: Station 1
Schute, Katherine: Station 7
Sepe, Tom: Station 13
Sheehan, Jere: Station 14
Sinner, James: Station 14
Slattery, James: Station 7
Small, Michelle: Station 5
Smith, Battle: Station 9
Smith, Patrick: Station 6
Snyder, Alfred: Station 9
Sotir, Carole: Station 14
Sotir, Phillip: Station 14
Stallings, Bill: Station 10
Stanze, Tom: Station 14
Steele, Michael: Station 11
Stock, Paul: Station 7
Stoll, Phillip: Station 5
Strahan, Terry: Station 10
Strauss, Stephen: Station 11,12
Strohmeyer, Joan: Station 13
Struckel, Matthew: Station 6
Sweney, Michael: Station 13
Tayloe, Michael: Station 5
Teak, Robert: Station 3
Tegethoff, James: Station 2
Thatcher, Randy: Station 8
The Cincinnati: Station 7
Thibault, Michael: Station 6
Thouvenot, Brian: Station 5
Timar, Jim: Station 13
Tinnemeyer, Irene: Station 7
Tompkin’s Family: Station 8
Toon, Agnes: Station 4
Topel, Jeff: Station 1
Trost, Greg: Station 6
Turnure, Joan: Station 9
Unnerstall, Christopher: Station 9
Useted, John: Station 9
Vatterott, Julie: Station 5
Vierling, Steve: Station 6
Visintine, Brian: Station 4
Visintine, Donna: Station 4
Vogel, Jack: Station 14
Vogel, James: Station 10
Vogel, Tom: Station 1
Vokoun, Edward: Station 14
Waldschmidt, Mary: Station 9
Wallace, S.M.: Station 1
Wallis, Charles: Station 5
Watkins, Bill: Station 5
Wear, Harper Lynn: Station 4
Weaver, Mark: Station 13
Webb, John: Station 5
Weber, Bob: Station 2
Wedel, Richard: Station 8
Weis, Christopher: Station 7
Weissert, Janet: Station 6
Wilson, Kenneth: Station 3
Women of Annunciation: Station 8
Wooten, Bryant: Station 2
Wuesthoff, Curt: Station 3
Zielinski, Ursula: Station 5
Zilch, Robert: Station 12